Objavljeno 04.03.2016.

Bili su na letu, a kada je čuo što posada govori ostao je u šoku!

Lisa Sadiwnyk prošlog je tjedna sa suprugom Ericom avionom putovala kući iz Las Vegasa s American Airlines, a oni su joj pomogli da iznenadi supruga.

Let od Las Vegasa do Philadelphie bio je jako šokantan za Erica, jer ono što je posada putem razglasa obznanila u potpunost ga je iznenadilo.

Čestitamo tata.

Here's a MUST WATCH! A few weeks ago, my husband Eric Sadiwnyk got quite the surprise on our returning flight from Las Vegas. There aren't enough Thank You's for the crew of American Airlines Flight 607 (1/13/16) with service from Las Vegas to Philadelphia. You all helped me to pull this off seamlessly! I'm hoping if this video makes it around the internet a bit, I may be able to find the crew and Thank them again! I'll also be sending a copy to American Airlines Customer Relations. I love you Eric Sadiwnyk!

Posted by Lisa Sadiwnyk on 26. veljače 2016

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